Sl. No. |
Activity |
Level of Action |
Time frame |
1 |
The grievance related application received through personal hearing |
Acted upon promptly and after due enquiry, necessary follow up action is taken. |
2 |
Application for appointment under Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme in respect of family members of deceased Fire Service employee received. |
Processed and decisions taken thereon when all formalities are completed subject to availability of vacancies and clearance of Government. |
3 |
Purchase of different kind of Appliances, Fire pumps, Equipments & allied articles. |
Processed and decisions taken thereon when all formalities are completed |
4 |
Examination of Trainees. |
Conducted by Examination Committee duly constituted by DGP, FS. |
5 |
Purchase of Training Equipments and allied articles. |
Conducted through tender process and inviting quotation observing all formalities laid down in OGFR. |
6 |
Fire Safety Certificate |
Appellate / Revision Authority |
As per ORTPS Act. |